Short virtual icebreakers that will boost your virtual meeting

Work meetings are not fun. They are time-consuming and way too often ineffective. And virtual meetings are no exception to that rule. The first rule of a meeting should be: Only have meetings that are necessary. And the second: When in a meeting, get the best out of it. But how to do so? By engaging the whole team from the first minute on. Short virtual icebreakers boost your meeting by creating an engaged and…

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How to help managers decrease the impacts of isolation and burnout for remote team members.

Working remotely can be a great way to increase productivity and flexibility, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is isolation and burnout. It is important for managers to be aware of the potential impacts of isolation and burnout on remote team members and take steps to mitigate them. Isolation can be defined as a lack of social interaction and connection with others. It can be caused…

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How to establish trust and build relationships in a hybrid team environment

Working in a hybrid team environment can be challenging, especially when it comes to building trust and relationships. But with the right strategies, you can create a strong, cohesive team that works together effectively. Communicate clearly and frequently. When working with people in different locations, it's important to make sure everyone is on the same page. Make sure to establish clear lines of communication, and use them often to keep everyone informed and updated.Build relationships…

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Effective Communication Strategies for Remote and Hybrid Teams

Effective communication is crucial for the success of any team, whether they work remotely or in a traditional office setting. However, with the rise of remote and hybrid teams, it's more important than ever to establish clear communication protocols to ensure everyone is on the same page. This article will provide practical tips and strategies for developing effective communication protocols for remote and hybrid teams, so that your team can collaborate effectively and achieve their…

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Here are the best tools to socialize with your remote team

You loved to have lunch with your co-workers when you were working in a co-located office? Do you miss these moments as a remote employee? But why? Who says remote teams cannot have lunch together? Cannot meet co-workers for a little chat on the (virtual) hallway? Or have fun together after work?  19% of remote workers suffer from loneliness! (source: buffer remote work 2019 survey). It is time to change that and instead have some…

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Motivate Your Virtual Team With These Easy Icebreakers

In this article, I will present you some of my favourite virtual team icebreakers. I have customized them for remote teams so that you can apply them easily in your virtual meetings. Why utilizing virtual icebreakers? For many reasons, but most important: You will get done more instead of endless or, even worse, no discussions! Plus icebreakers are great virtual team building activities! Some further reasons to have an icebreaker before a meeting: Create an…

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